D For Detach!

April 29, 2009 at 4:44 pm | Posted in Angel Messages, Angel Readings, Angels, Ascension | Leave a comment
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Detach – To unfasten and remove, disconnect; disengage.

Affirmation: I AM free of all attachments. My energy flows without restriction.

Many of you, Dear Children of The Light, hold fear energy in your matrix over the idea of detachment. Thoughtforms of separation from your Source have led you to seek energy from those around you and from your creations. We are here now to share with you a new thought form and practice to assist you in re-claiming your personal power and inner peace. Visualize, for a moment, all the ties that you have created. Ties to family, friends, possessions, land, work and your creations. As you contemplate these ties note if you will the personal energy that is being poured out of you and in to maintaining all of these ties. Now we ask you, in this moment, to send a wave of love and gratitude down each of these luminous fibers, and as this wave reaches the end of the fiber, gently invite that fiber to detach from the person, possession or situation. Sending light streaming out of the end of the fiber, the light of love and gratitude, begin, in your mind’s eye to reel in each of these fibers, like a fisherman reeling in his line. As each fiber returns to you, breathe in your personal power, reclaim your energy. When all of these fibers have returned to you send one down to the heart of the Mother Earth and another up to Father Sun. Draw on the energies of Earth and Sky. Fill your reservoir and seal your field. Be in your power. This is detachment. Understand Dear Children of Light that detachment is good, true, and beautiful. Standing in your own power, you model for others a healthy way. No longer are you drained, exhausted, or scattered in all directions. Now you choose with focus and clarity. You retain your energy and you act from inspiration, channeling Source energy and significantly impacting the world you dream – manifesting with ease and grace that which is for the highest good of all.

The preceding is excerpted from the forthcoming ebook Angel ABC’s – 26 Simple Steps to Activating Your Angelic Presence by Amethyst Wyldfyre and the Angels – Coming Soon!

If you would like to receive a personalized channeled message from your Angels either by email or phone – please angels4visit www.answersfromyourangels.com

Be sure to sign up for thirty days of FREE Answers From Your Angels Email Series – scroll to the bottom of the page when you land at the site to subscribe!

An Answer From Your Angels – Clarity Is Divinity

April 15, 2009 at 7:14 am | Posted in Angel Art, Angel Messages, Angel Readings, Angels, Ascension | Leave a comment
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Fresh as the wind, clearing, lightening, opening the mind, Jeremiel blows powerfully through your auric field. Embedded with Lapis Lazuli this Vibrational Power Painting equals 555.

Fresh as the wind, clearing, lightening, opening the mind, Jeremiel blows powerfully through your auric field. Embedded with Lapis Lazuli this Vibrational Power Painting equals 555. Purchase the Original for $450.00!

Clarity is Divinity we say!! How can I be clear? We hear you crying!!

Breathe, breathe, breathe!!! The breath is the key – the more that you bring your conscious awareness to your breath the greater capacity you have to clear those dusty cobwebs from your mind.  Breathe, Breathe, Breathe!! Make the time to go out – into nature – to breathe directly from the sweet earth – to breathe directly from the sun – to breathe in the trees, the flowers, the grasses, the stones, the clouds, the rains, the waters.  Breathe them all in – connect with the source of your life – the breath!!

We ask you now to STOP – stop everything that you “think” is important.  Let go of anything that is holding you from your freedom.  Feel into your physical body…… Where are you restricted?? Bring the breath there.  Use the breath.  It is a tool, a gift, a blessing and your life.   The winds of change are swirling ever more rapidly and stirring up all the energies that have densified and crystallized in your light bodies.  Use the winds to your advantage!! No FEAR – just breathe, breathe, breathe!!

Take a salt bath too -it helps – greatly as these densities come up for release – the salt bath assists in the detoxification process.  Eat well – organic whole foods.  Get rest – lots of it.  Let go of your addictions – to television, the computer, the phone.  Walk away from work for a while.  Breathe.  Breathe. Breathe.  Give yourself sacred space and time to discern what your next best step is as you journey on your ascension spiral.  Perhaps the step is to stop.  To Stop and to BREATHE!

We love you- we are with you – we are guiding you – we are holding massive quantities of light all around you.  We are one.

If you would like to receive a personalized channeled message from your Angels either by email or phone – please angels4visit www.answersfromyourangels.com

If you are interested in the artwork that is displayed at the top of this post – prints in a variety of sizes and paper/canvas types both framed and unframed can be purchased at Fine Art America

Archangel Chamuel on Relationships

April 6, 2009 at 12:54 pm | Posted in Angel Art, Angel Messages, Angel Readings, Angels, Ascension | 2 Comments
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The luminous rainbow body resonates with Shamuel's Eagle like flight as he takes you to fly wing tip to wing tip with Great Spirit. Embedded with Moonstone this Vibrational Power Painting equals 3456. Purchase the Original for $375.00

The luminous rainbow body resonates with Shamuel's Eagle like flight as he takes you to fly wing tip to wing tip with Great Spirit. Embedded with Moonstone this Vibrational Power Painting equals 3456. Purchase the Original for $375.00

I am the Archangel Chamuel. I come to you on Rainbow Wings of Joyous Color. My purpose in this coming is to illuminate for you the path within to sacred communion and joyous re-union with the One Spirit that you seek to join with. I AM the Archangel governing the delicate mechanics of relationship. I AM the balancing force, the fulcrum, the center, the stillpoint shall we say between black and white, night and day, joy and sorrow; the place between the in breath and the out breath; the portal to inner silence where all are joined in harmony and peace. I am relationship at it’s finest, at it’s most delicately balanced point of pure bliss, and I AM found within.

Follow the breath. Breathe with me now please. Take a deep breath. Inhale and hold. Exhale and hold. Inhale and hold. Exhale and hold. Inhale and hold. Exhale and hold. Hold. Hold. Hold. Feel the stillness. Explore this place; this moment; this silence between breaths. Feel the pervasive energies of peace; the pure essence of joy; the delight of no-mind. For no-mind governs this place. There is no chatter here to distract from the simple contemplation of Source; the underlying force that governs, without you ever thinking about it, the gentle rhythms of life; the surf of your breath; that which is the essential definition of life on your plane.

This place, this energy, this force is the wellspring from which all relationship emerges. Are you at rest here? Can you be still? Can you rest in relationship to the Source which provides, at all times, all that you require for life? For this relationship is the prime experience for all relationships that you choose to manifest. The foundation shall we say? Do you Trust here? Are you heard? Can you be still and listen? Your relationship here defines for you and is reflected back to you in all other relationships including your relationship to your Mother the Planet Earth.

I AM here now to guide you. I AM here now to assist you. I AM here now to bring you back, to re-turn you, to assist you in re-membering this relationship. I AM here to help you to heal the fracture within that prevents you from realizing your own connection, you own embodiment of your Divinity. Be at Peace, Rest, Breathe. Feel my wings of Love enfold you and know without a shadow of doubt or fear that you are in fact, in truth, in beauty, in fullness, in goodness, eternally and infinitely and everlastingly loved; beyond measure; for Love is All that truly exists and you are made entirely and completely of Love eternal.

And so it is and so you shall re-member and so you shall attract and reflect this truth as together we fly on Rainbow Wings through space and time trailing stardust and moonbeams in our wake, sprinkling love and joyful union throughout the Universe. IAM the Archangel Chamuel and I AM with you.

1emailcoverThe preceding channeled message was excerpted from the book Celestial Voices An Invitation to Ascension from the Archangels – if you enjoyed this message and would be interested in connecting further with the book and the energy contained therein you can find more info about it HERE.  The book is available in both printed and e-formats.  The printed book contains full color prints of all 15 Vibrational Power Paintings of the Archangels by Amethyst Wyldfyre.

If you would like to receive a personalized channeled message from your Angels either by email or phone – please angels4visit www.answersfromyourangels.com

If you are interested in the artwork that is displayed at the top of this post – prints in a variety of sizes and paper/canvas types both framed and unframed can be purchased at Fine Art America

Archangel Haniel Welcomes You To the Spring Time! (An Excerpt from Celestial Voices)

April 1, 2009 at 7:01 am | Posted in Angel Art, Angel Messages, Angel Readings, Angels, Ascension | 4 Comments
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Flowering with the pure potential of limitless beauty, Haniel invites you to contemplate the essence of life. Embedded with Carnelian and Citrine, this Vibrational Power Painting equals 3456. All material is copyright protected by AWGALLERYDIRECT, and is not to be reproduced or distributed without written consent.

Flowering with the pure potential of limitless beauty, Haniel invites you to contemplate the essence of life. Embedded with Carnelian and Citrine, this Vibrational Power Painting equals 3456.

I AM the Archangel Haniel, Lover and nurturer of the Natural world. Seeds from heaven and the Archangelic Realms are being planted now. Seeds of Love. Seeds of Light. Each seed lovingly placed, carefully and perfectly deposited into every human heart. Seeds that will be activated, vibrated, accelerated over the coming weeks, months and years.

As each seed begins its germination process, higher and higher levels of light will manifest in your Earth realm. Gaia herself is quickening too with the multitude of seeds that have been planted within her heart. For you dear children, you Light bringers, you Beacons, you have come to bring the living light into the Heart of the World and to shift all of humanity with your mere presence. Yes Dear Ones – You!

And truly the term Light Worker can now be deleted from your vocabulary. Yes, it’s true! For there is now upon you a time where this “work” is no longer “work” shall we say? No indeed, now dear children it is the time for play! Joyous, exuberant, passionate, fully engaged, glorious, exciting, stimulating, enchanting, enticing, magical play!

Play, play, play all day! Play to your Heart’s content. Know that in your joyous and full expression of the “Lighter” side of your selves that you are serving so perfectly and precisely to shift the entire vibrational matrix of the planet to the realm of peace and light. You dearest Light Bearers are truly the models and your actions and your attitudes, your positive loving thoughts and deeds are truly the catalysts for deep and profound and perfect transformation.

Let us look at that word shall we? Trans-form-ation – Actively changing form. Precisely! You are actively changing the form of each and every construct, each and every relationship, each and every system, each and every pattern, throughout your entire realm. Every ONE. All that you have been told up until now, all that you believe to be “true” is turning upside down and inside out. Being de-constructed, leaving behind only the sacred core of eternal truth which is Love. Everything else must go.

A clean slate, a fresh canvas, a blank page is now in formation. That’s right! The deconstruction process proceeds apace of the in-formation process. For everything in the universe is mutable, and nothing ever can disappear from the Universal matrix for all that is, was or ever will be is here, now and always will be! Just a magnificent panorama of ever changing form. As the forms change, You! You! YOU! have the joy, the pure pleasure, the total abandon of conscious co-creation with the essential Source and Force that IS the I AM. The central organizing principal of the Universe – LOVE. Yes children that is what we call this core. LOVE.

So children open your hearts, open your minds, open your bodies. Welcome the de-construction. Welcome the in-formation. Be open, give and receive, enter with all of your being into the pure, unadulterated, clear consciousness of LOVE. I AM the Archangel Haniel and I LOVE YOU!

This message from Archangel Haniel is excerpted from my book Celestial Voices – An Invitation to Ascension from the Archangels – Available in softcover HERE (scroll all the way to the bottom of the page – be sure to sign up for my free 30 day email series too!)

If you would like to receive a personalized channeled message from your Angels either by email or phone – please angels4visit www.answersfromyourangels.com

If you are interested in the artwork that is displayed at the top of this post – prints in a variety of sizes and paper/canvas types both framed and unframed can be purchased at Fine Art America

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