AA Metatron on Increasing your Impact

July 21, 2009 at 9:46 am | Posted in Angel Art, Angel Messages, Angel Readings, Angels, Ascension | 2 Comments
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Metatron is the Lord of Light. He beckons. He heals. Embedded with Citrine and Peridot, this Vibrational Power Painting equals 2372.

Metatron is the Lord of Light. He beckons. He heals. Embedded with Citrine and Peridot, this Vibrational Power Painting equals 2372. Original Painting $775.00

I Am the Archangel Metatron and I come to you now to re-align you with the new frequency vibrations that have arrived in the Universal Matrix in recent weeks. This time is a great time for growing in the light. All you who would characterize yourselves as Children of the Light have come to a point and a place in the time continuum where you are finally feeling that there is a more universal support for you and the energies that you are here to carry and anchor in. This is because the frequencies have been shifted up, have been accelerated, have been amplified – primarily through your presence, your willingness and your intent to HOLD THAT LIGHT – regardless of the swirling tension, fear, density and chaotic energies that have surrounded you for some time now. The light that you have been willing to hold, the light that you have been willing to anchor, the light that you have been willing to shine and radiate, the light that you have been carrying within you and have been emanating all around you wherever you go has been a contributing factor to the new “note” the new “vibe” the new energies that are now manifesting on your earth plane.

Many of you who will be reading this are the “front line” light bearers and you may feel like you have been battling for quite some time, you may feel worn, ragged, exhausted and complete. We ask you though to take a moment, to lay down your swords of light, to set aside your defenses, to pause and to look up – LOOK DIRECTLY UP please. Look and see – see what you have done. See what you have accomplished. See how you have made a way – a safe passage – a trail – a bridge to this new place. Stop and see. You are complete – complete with the birthing process – complete with the manifesting of the new energetic grid and blueprint, complete with the work of this work!

Take a break! Stop, rest, play, enjoy. You have held the vision for so long now – you have held the frequency forever. You are here now. Take a load off and enjoy the fullness of this high frequency. Let yourself bathe in this light – be at peace in this light – rest, restore, replenish and prepare yourselves to receive. You are now receiving an abundance of light, you are now being gifted with a full dispensation of the highest frequencies of light that you can channel in this present moment. Let yourself celebrate the victory! Celebrate, play, dance, sing, look around and most importantly for your companions – your soul brothers and SiSTARS who are here with you – collect and connect to each and every one of them – as you gather together in constellations of light you will amplify the frequency to ever higher levels only this time it will not be a battle story – oh no children – the time for that is past – the time for suffering, for struggling, for fighting your way through is over for you. You need only to see it and to choose it and to relax into it and peace is instantly yours.

It is vital now for you to celebrate and rest because you are going to be called once more – called again to step into serve – called to share your light and to radiate your brilliance – only this time you will be called to do so by embodying your own personal highest joy! Embodying the thrill of creating and manifesting all that you desire easily, gracefully, and humbly as you acknowledge the ever present, eternal and infinite Source of your own power. And as you are called forth – whether you realize it or not in this present moment – the impact that you will have by embodying your joy will be increased exponentially. Wave after wave after wave of beings who are going to begin crossing over the bridges, following the trails that you cut, making their own passage into the light will come forth to be greeted by your brilliance and to affirm and validate for themselves that they too can be in joy, they too can have their dreams, they too can choose peace and harmony, they too can radiate their own unique light and they too can contribute to the elevation of the entire matrix to the highest levels of light and magnificence.

Breathe now children – your Impact is Increasing!! And we here in the Angelic realms are giddy with delight and with gratitude for your impeccable service to this mission……Rest easy for a bit – the lights are on and everybody is coming home!


If you would like to receive a personalized channeled message from your Angels either by email or phone – please visit www.answersfromyourangels.com

If you are interested in the artwork that is displayed at the top of this post – prints in a variety of sizes and paper/canvas types both framed and unframed can be purchased at Fine Art America

An Answer From Your Angels – Clarity Is Divinity

April 15, 2009 at 7:14 am | Posted in Angel Art, Angel Messages, Angel Readings, Angels, Ascension | Leave a comment
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Fresh as the wind, clearing, lightening, opening the mind, Jeremiel blows powerfully through your auric field. Embedded with Lapis Lazuli this Vibrational Power Painting equals 555.

Fresh as the wind, clearing, lightening, opening the mind, Jeremiel blows powerfully through your auric field. Embedded with Lapis Lazuli this Vibrational Power Painting equals 555. Purchase the Original for $450.00!

Clarity is Divinity we say!! How can I be clear? We hear you crying!!

Breathe, breathe, breathe!!! The breath is the key – the more that you bring your conscious awareness to your breath the greater capacity you have to clear those dusty cobwebs from your mind.  Breathe, Breathe, Breathe!! Make the time to go out – into nature – to breathe directly from the sweet earth – to breathe directly from the sun – to breathe in the trees, the flowers, the grasses, the stones, the clouds, the rains, the waters.  Breathe them all in – connect with the source of your life – the breath!!

We ask you now to STOP – stop everything that you “think” is important.  Let go of anything that is holding you from your freedom.  Feel into your physical body…… Where are you restricted?? Bring the breath there.  Use the breath.  It is a tool, a gift, a blessing and your life.   The winds of change are swirling ever more rapidly and stirring up all the energies that have densified and crystallized in your light bodies.  Use the winds to your advantage!! No FEAR – just breathe, breathe, breathe!!

Take a salt bath too -it helps – greatly as these densities come up for release – the salt bath assists in the detoxification process.  Eat well – organic whole foods.  Get rest – lots of it.  Let go of your addictions – to television, the computer, the phone.  Walk away from work for a while.  Breathe.  Breathe. Breathe.  Give yourself sacred space and time to discern what your next best step is as you journey on your ascension spiral.  Perhaps the step is to stop.  To Stop and to BREATHE!

We love you- we are with you – we are guiding you – we are holding massive quantities of light all around you.  We are one.

If you would like to receive a personalized channeled message from your Angels either by email or phone – please angels4visit www.answersfromyourangels.com

If you are interested in the artwork that is displayed at the top of this post – prints in a variety of sizes and paper/canvas types both framed and unframed can be purchased at Fine Art America

AA Uriel on the New Etheric DNA Structure

March 16, 2009 at 8:51 am | Posted in Angel Art, Angel Messages, Angel Readings, Angels, Ascension | 4 Comments
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Awakening the latent codes of your DNA, Uriel invites you to evolve into your becoming as Homo Luminous. Embedded with Carnelian this Vibrational Power Painting equals 888,888.

Awakening the latent codes of your DNA, Uriel invites you to evolve into your becoming as Homo Luminous. Embedded with Carnelian this Vibrational Power Painting equals 888,888.

Dearest Children of the Light, I Am The Archangel URIEL – Remember ME?? Remember Who you are!! I have come today to assist you in activating, activating, activating.  The codes in your DNA are waiting for this energetic “CHARGE” that will germinate and facilitate the evolutionary process.  You are now primed and ready – the countdown is on.  Open your ROOT chakra – RECEIVE – as I activate, activate, activate the codes. Open your SACRAL chakra – RECEIVE -as I activate, activate, activate the codes. Open your SOLAR PLEXUS chakra – RECEIVE -as I activate, activate, activate the codes. Open your HEART chakra – RECEIVE -as I activate, activate, activate the codes. Open your HIGH HEART chakra – RECEIVE -as I activate, activate, activate the codes.  Open your THROAT chakra – RECEIVE -as I activate, activate, activate the codes.  Open your THIRD EYE chakra – RECEIVE -as I activate, activate, activate the codes. Open your CROWN chakra – RECEIVE -as I activate, activate, activate the codes.

RECEIVE, RECEIVE, RECEIVE – OPEN OPEN OPEN – I Am The Archangel Uriel – the divine architect of the DNA – You are now activated you are now open you are now receiving the highest quotient of light for your personal transformational process in accordance with DIVINE WILL and your own MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE which is guiding this activation in this present moment.  Focus, Concentrate, GAZE AT MY IMAGE – Open, Receive, Open, Activate, Open, ATTUNE to your highest vibrational pattern.  Open, open, open.  Surrender all constriction -call upon serpent energy to assist in the releasement of the bonds and chains that keep your light dim – open, unfurl, come out of your cocoon – receive the light – the light , the light – the LIGHT.  I AM The Archangel URIEL – I come to assist you now at your command to unfurl your own wings to unwind the patterns of pain to remove the mummification of your spirit to release you into the light to RESURRECT YOU NOW!! I AM HERE IAM HERE IAM PRESENT!!  I Am that I AM – The Energies of Mahatma Christ Consciousness Buddha Consciousness now infuse your entire light body you are the living light the CHRISTED one the LUMINOUS RESURRECTED BODY OF LIFE – OPEN AND REMEMBER YOUR DIVINITY YOUR CHRISTED NATURE – RECEIVE!!!  ASCEND NOW.

Breathe, breathe, breathe……. Remember, receive.  I am here.  I am with you as you release all these old thoughts, this old dream, the old decaying and dying paradigm and you enter into your remembrance of the truth of your Divine Nature.  I am with you I am with you I am with you.  You are NEVER alone……


If you would like to receive a personalized channeled message from your Angels either by email or phone – please angels4visit www.answersfromyourangels.com

If you are interested in the artwork that is displayed at the top of this post – prints in a variety of sizes and paper/canvas types both framed and unframed can be purchased at Fine Art America

Archangel Metatron on Metatrends

March 3, 2009 at 10:00 am | Posted in Angel Art, Angel Messages, Angel Readings, Angels, Ascension | Leave a comment
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Metatron is the Lord of Light. He beckons. He heals. Embedded with Citrine and Peridot, this Vibrational Power Painting equals 2372.

Metatron is the Lord of Light. He beckons. He heals. Embedded with Citrine and Peridot, this Vibrational Power Painting equals 2372.

Greetings Children of the Light – I AM the Archangel Metatron and I come to you now to advise and guide you about the meta-trend that you are currently in the process of experiencing.  Meta as many of you may know means beyond – and that is precisely what is unfolding in the present moment for you in your world – you are all moving at a very rapid pace BEYOND what you have ever known or experienced in the past.

This process of moving BEYOND is indeed a tumultuous and oft times challenging experience for ones who have been conditioned and socialized to hold fast to the illusion – understand though that all is and was in perfect order – for the illusion that is presently collapsing needed your energy & the conviction of your beliefs in it’s solidity  order to hold it together.  The time has come though for you to move BEYOND.

BEYOND the existing paradigm which is rapidly loosing the energy required to sustain it’s existence is a new paradigm that is in the process of being born.  All humans are in varying stages of this dying away and being reborn process.  What this means is that you are best served to examine where you truly are in this moment – and to recognize that you are perfectly held by this process.  As you recognize your placement in the process you will be able to relax and surrender ever more deeply into it.  Are you presently being gently requested to move away from some old thought, pattern or belief?  If so let it go – easily, gracefully, surrender it to the wind and allow yourself to access the freed up energy for the next phase.  Are you presently being forcefully removed from existing structures and agreements?  Let GO!  Easily, gracefully and humbly for if you hold tightly the forces that are at play will surely rip you out of the situation even more painfully.  Are you feeling squeezed, growing, shifting, changing in each moment but fully aware that you are heading towards the light even though all around may seem to be in darkness?  Relax, breathe and allow, let yourself be carried through the birthcanal.  Are you already on the other side?  Living in the BEYOND – beginning to create the NEW Earth — the New Paradigm – the NEW Reality and wondering when everyone else is going to arrive???  Relax, breathe deep, take a break, give yourself a time out – you’ve just moved through a major transmutation/transformation process, you are fresh, newly born, you can let go of those old paradigm thoughtforms that may have slipped thru the crack with you that say you need to DO something – just let yourself BE!

Know that we on this side of the veil are eagerly sharing, guiding, smoothing the way for each of you.  Know without doubt and in full faith that we are ever present and ready to offer you our assistance, that we are sending you limitless love, endless light and infinite blessings as you morph through your individual and collective evolutionary process – you are being born into a wholly (HOLY) new species.  It is momentous, universal, evolutionary work that you are about AND you are doing this work CONSCIOUSLY for the very first time EVER.  What a shining accomplishment!! What a LEAP!!

Breathe and know that your gifts and your multidimensional senses are going to come on line faster and with greater clarity then ever before – do not be at all frightened by your newly awakened abilities and rememberances.  All the many experiences of your multiple lifestreams are now coming together for the very first time to inform you at a conscious level.  You have the capacity to deeply tune in to the Universal Mind Lattice and to receive information and inspiration exactly at the precise right time for you to determine your best next steps anytime you wish to consciously access and tap in.  Remember children that your physical body and your Mother the Earth are the grounding forces through which the Higher Energies are made manifest in matter.

The mission is not to “poof” out of this existence and into some other dimension – the mission instead is to EMBODY – HERE – NOW the higher vibrations and frequencies of living light.  The light that you are at the highest level of your sacred self is descending into matter and the matter that you are is ascending to meet, greet, dance with, engage in and embody the fullness of your being.  As you bring this fullness into the body and ground it here onto the Earth you create, in this moment and in each and every subsequent moment that you intend and consciously choose to, the experience of Heaven On Mother Earth.  Angels that you are you have come to bring yourselves H.O.M.E.  Enjoy the garden it was created for you and by you to sustain and support this experience.  All is well – breathe and be.

I am the Archangel Metatron and I Love YOU!

If you would like to receive a personalized channeled message from your Angels either by email or phone – please angels4visit www.answersfromyourangels.com

If you are interested in the artwork that is displayed at the top of this post – prints in a variety of sizes and paper/canvas types both framed and unframed can be purchased at Fine Art America

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